Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Do Before My Treatment?

Avoid heavy eating and alcohol consumption prior to massage or body treatment. Please let us know about any preferences regarding (pressure, music, room temperature at the time of your treatment so we may prepare your personalized treatment.

When Should I Arrive?

Please come in 10 to 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment to fill out an information sheet, this is so we can have time to discuss your needs before the time of treatment.

What Should I Expect During My Treatment?

You will have a few moments to consult with the therapist for areas of concern. You will be left alone to change clothes before and after treatment.

Do I Take My Clothes Off?

For a full body relaxation massage, most people undress completely (underwear is worn at your discretion). Your privacy is respected at all times as you are warmly covered with a clean sheet; only the area being massaged is exposed. Some types of bodywork incorporate the use of massage cream or oils to lubricate the skin and allow for easier application of certain strokes. This is best done without clothes worn.

You will not need to remove clothing for some modalities such as Neural Reset Therapy and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

What Should I Do After My Treatment And What Should I Expect?

Please drink lots of water to help flush out any toxins that were released during treatment. Most people feel relaxed and/or refreshed after a massage. Occasionally, some people experience soreness the day after their massage. This is nothing to worry about. Most people feel a great reduction of their original muscle tightness and/or pain after the delayed soreness resolves itself.

What Are The Benefits of Massage

Massage increases the body's circulation which pumps more oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs including the skin. Massage also stimulates the lymph flow, the body's natural defense system, against toxic invaders. For example, in breast cancer patients, massage has been shown to increase the cells that fight cancer. It relaxes and softens injured and overused muscles increasing recovery time.